Ever find yourself meticulously organizing your sock drawer instead of tackling that looming work project? Or spending hours looking up a TikTok workout instead of actually working out at the gym? Yep, we’ve all been there!
Majoring in the minors is like being a pro at sweating the small stuff while the big stuff sits in the corner, waving its arms, trying to get your attention.
But hey, here’s the scoop: Life’s too short to stress over mismatched socks or the perfect workout. It’s time to zoom out, refocus, and hone in on the things that truly light us up.
Here’s where I most commonly see folks majoring in the minors. The biggest one is with diet. We get caught up in what program to follow: keto, paleo, vegan, carnivore, high carb, low carb, middle carb, intermittent fasting, 6 small meals, water fast, auto-immune protocol, etc… All this while struggling to simply eat REAL FOOD in reasonable quantities to support your desired body weight and activity. So what happens? Usually, nothing. We get so caught up in the little details that we miss the big, important picture. We overcomplicate things and then give up because “it doesn’t work” or “it’s too stressful”.
How about fitness programs??? CrossFit is the best! CrossFit will injure you and do you even know about Rhabdomyolysis?! Zone 2, baby! Functional bodybuilding. Bodybuilding because what the heck is functional bodybuilding??? You have 2 legs, just go run! Everybody gets hurt running and it’s boring. Intervals? Yeah, intervals sound good. Do it at high intensity. How high? Is my intensity too high? Great, now I’m probably drowning in cortisol and I’ve fried my thyroid. Will this program get me “toned,” but not too toned? I don’t want to be bulky. Well, my butt can be bulky but not the rest. TikTok to the rescue!
How about you do something you’re actually willing to do and stick with it consistently over time? Elevate your heart rate. Pick up something heavy occasionally. Run fast sometimes and get uncomfortable regularly. Let your body know you still need it. That’s it, but in all seriousness, CrossFit is the best if you were wondering.
This post is a little on the ridiculous side, but at the end of the day, we’re getting caught majoring in the minors. Putting way too much emphasis on the little details instead of pulling the big levers that give you the most bang for your buck.
When it comes to your health and fitness, I label the “majors” as follows:
1. Eat Real Food in quantities that support ideal body weight and activity levels.
2. Do work. Move often and pick up heavy things regularly. Run fast occasionally.
3. Sleep well. Go to bed at a reasonable hour and get quality restorative sleep.
4. Socialize. Do you have a tribe? Do you have meaningful relationships with people who love you?
5. Growth-focused mindset with a heart of gratitude.
How you choose to execute those priorities is up to you.
So, here’s my challenge to you. Let’s swap the minor leagues for the major leagues of life! Embrace the challenges, chase those big dreams, and remember, it’s not about perfecting the art of folding fitted sheets—it’s about folding yourself into the adventure of living (Oh dang, that was good! You like that?). Pull the big levers, and don’t sweat the details until after you’ve made a habit of consistently hitting the majors.
Hold the standard, friends,
Coach Derek